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A Private Guided Immersion to

Attract & Create Juicy Lasting Love

Radiantly turned on… excited and interested in your partner…

more satisfied, cherished and empowered year after year… YES this is possible!

Most of us yearn for a passionate, safe, satisfying intimate relationship that deepens and grows over time.  And yet, we find ourselves frequently feeling unmet, not fully satisfied.  Maybe you date and date yet aren’t finding passionate intimacy that lasts? Maybe you are in a good relationship thinking you should be satisfied, yet inside a voice whispers more is possible?  Maybe you have simply lost touch with parts of yourself and long to inhabit and express more of you. 

You thrive at work but feel confused or resigned how to “succeed” at relationship.  You struggle to connect to your own pleasure, or to attract the partner you want, or to feel attracted to the partner you have, in the midst of a busy life.  You dream of hot sex instead of having it.

You are successful in so many ways – you deserve a relationship as extraordinary as you are!  Conventional relationship wisdom focuses your attention on the other person, leaving you at the mercy of their mood, preferences and availability. What if there is a different way?  Where you have the knowledge and power to transform any moment into an interesting, alive connection.  Able to attract and evoke what you desire from a partner, and from yourself.  Able to say No in a way that opens rather than shrinks love.  Where you reclaim and inhabit “femininity” on your own empowered modern terms.  Where turn on and juiciness are reliably available to you, and your relationship feels as extraordinary as the rest of your life.

I’ve been there.  I spent the first 35 years of my life learning how to be successful – and professionally, financially and socially I was.  I had the prestigious degrees and power career but couldn’t seem to get my relationship anywhere near the level I excelled at in the rest of my life.  An early marriage in my 20s started picture perfect and ended in divorce after 4 years.  I dated and remarried in my 30s but still felt confused and amateur in relating.  The deep connection and erotic passion we’d created in the beginning was cooling and familiar disappointment was building.  I knew how to reliably create success in most areas of my life – why was it so hard to get what I wanted in relationship? 

This quest set me on a 15 year odyssey of study and practice with the world’s leading experts in sexuality, spirituality, embodiment and relating.  It turns out that creating a reliably turned on, satisfying intimate partnership is an art and a skillset that can be taught and learned, and it started with my relationship with myself.  I discovered the incredible range and power of my sexuality, my desires and my innate gifts as a woman.  I retrained my body and my mind, dramatically expanded who I know myself to be and created a marriage that inspires, fulfills and turns me on every single day.

It is the most valuable education I ever invested in.  No bank account or resume provides greater fulfillment than a lifelong lit up, turned on relationship!


I promise you can learn to:

  • Ignite pleasure and desire in your body, even amidst the challenges of children, aging and a busy career

  • Identify and shift habits which unconsciously turn you or your partner off, or attract the wrong partners

  • Spark chemistry and attraction at will (even if you’ve been together for years)

  • Have sex be a fun safe arena of discovery and experimentation, solo or partnered

  • Attract and create a relationship that nurtures and celebrates the best in both of you


Join us if you:

  • Want to live a vibrantly alive full life, with a relationship that lights you up; where you feel cherished and supported, and intimacy and passion deepen over time

  • Believe more is possible and are done delaying, sacrificing or settling for “good enough” (even if it’s pretty good, you want more!) 

  • Are willing to invest and dive deep into loving better, if you just had the roadmap, tools and support to know how

“Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary." 

Uta Hagen

I’m here to distill the world’s best teachings into empowering, practical knowledge you can put to use right away, whether you are single or in a partnership.  Hot monogamy – a committed long term relationship that gets better and more satisfying over time - IS possible, and it starts with YOU!


The Process


This is a bespoke embodied immersion for 8-10 women, personalized for each woman’s unique situation and desires.  I will guide you through the most effective practices for igniting passion, aliveness and juicy lasting love, where you are empowered and artful at attracting the dynamic you want in partnership.  The practices will take you deep into your body, your heart, your emotions and desires. We will explore and refine your physical, sensual, spiritual and sexual layers with creativity and compassion.  You will discover what dims your spark while following a safe path that unlocks the deepest most satisfying love you could imagine.  You will journey with a confidential circle of potent supportive women. 

On this custom journey, you will:

  • Expand your capacity for pleasure and your unique sexual artistry

  • Understand masculine/feminine dynamics to dramatically improve your communication and relating skills

  • Dissolve limiting beliefs and habits, revealing a clear achievable path to getting what you want in relationship 

  • Reclaim “femininity” on your terms – empowered, artful, inviting

  • Own and offer your “Yes” and your “No” with love  

  • Become a sovereign magnetic queen who evokes and receives the BEST, in life and in love


The Journey provides a Sensual Immersion in the 5 Essential Feminine Skills:

  • AWAKENING PLEASURE & DESIRE - Filling up, turning on and overflowing yourself first

  • EXPANDING ENERGY & RANGE - Claiming your dark & light; 1001 Nights of You

  • UNLOCKING RESPONSIVENESS & SENSITIVITY - Meet your subtle body superpower

  • SURRENDERING & TAKING CONTROL - Navigating the masculine & feminine in both of you

  • LOVING AS A DEVOTIONAL ART - Saying “I do” to a life of passion & expansion


Program runs June-November, 2021 and includes:    

  • Weekly calls: lessons, guided practices & live coaching

  • Personalized homework assignments for private exploration

  • 1:1 Creation Session (and private support as needed)

  • 3 day In Person Mountain Retreat

  • A Confidential Supportive Loving Sisterhood


*Bonus June session for early enrollees


Your Guide

Ali Kole is a sensual muse who helps successful women and couples ignite passionately enlivened intimacy and freedom in their lives and relationships.  During her 20+years as a beauty industry CEO and advisor, her search to “have it all” led to 15 years studying and now teaching intimacy and pleasure.  Using her own marriage and career as a laboratory, Ali dedicated herself to the practice of relationship artistry, training, assisting and now co-teaching with world leading spiritual intimacy and relationship teachers including David Deida, Michaela Boehm, John Wineland and John Gottman.  Ali offers the safety and knowledge for you to reclaim your body for your own pleasure, and to unlock passion and hot chemistry anytime you want it, in the midst of a busy career and family life.

                                                  Join Us!  Invest in what you really want💕

You are extraordinary and meant to live the life and relationship you dream of – turned on, connected, supported, and inspired.  You hire coaches, tutors and trainers to create excellence in other areas of your life - why not relating?  Claim the fullness of you and get what you really want - a hot partnership that gets better and juicier over time!  Become an artist of love!

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